Drama Lessons Main Menu

Our drama classes are designed around the principle that Drama, Theatre and Play are interwoven and each factor enhances the development of the other.

Through Drama, thoughts, imagination and feelings are created and shared as a participating group experience. We believe that the benefit of this technique not only occurs through participating actively but the children also learn from observing others, where through discussion their insights and opinions are shared and valued.

We aim to make our classes as inclusive as possible for all ages and abilities, creating an environment where confidence and encouragement can be nurtured.

As Drama facilitators, this concept allows us to demonstrate to our pupils that their ideas matter and by creating theatre as a group practice we believe this to be highly valued in terms of child development and the social and culture development necessary for the young people of today.

Small Class Sizes

Each of LEAP's drama classes are divided to suit the intellectual needs of each year group, and to ensure we maximize our pupils individual potential and enjoyment we have limited capacity to 16 pupils per class.

Click here for our junior and senior timetables.