School of Performing Arts Uniform

LEAP has a uniform policy which encourages our pupils to dress practically, neaty and smartly. We take great pride in the pupil's appearance and ask that the uniform is worn to each class and to all group outings.

The uniform can be purchased from LEAP throughout the year and we ask that all pupils of the school purchase their uniform by the end of their first term. The school's colours are black, white and red. Girls' and boy's uniform includes: black jumper bearing the school's logo and unisex T shirts with the same design. Plain black jogging bottoms, jazz pants or leggings are compulsory and can also be brought through LEAP as well as black jazz shoes for practical footwear. 

Each pupil will develop a portfolio of information, songs and scripts throughout their time with us; therefore a book bag is essential, again featuring the school logo. Please ensure that long hair is groomed back and no jewellery is worn during the classes.

Dance Uniform

Hip Hop: As for LEAP drama and musical theatre classes

Ballet & Contemporary Yr 5 - 7: Pink leather ballet shoes, pink ballet tights, black leotard

Ballet & Contemporary Yr 8 plus: Pink canvas ballet shoes, black ballet tights, black leotard dress

Please click here for a PDF of our uniform order form or complete the online form below.